Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My newest endeavor!

For those of you who know, and for those who do not, I am an aspiring artist. I love to make art out of clay and also use other visual mediums. I have decided to apply for the 2012 Delaware Artist Fellowship. Delaware Division of the arts offers this fellowship to artist at all levels, so that artists can develop their skillset and hopefully advance there careers. So I will be documenting this on my other blog . Hope you will stop by and see some of my artistic works, and the development of my portfolio!!

Peace and Blessings !!

Monday, June 20, 2011

What I am currently Reading

So here is the first book I am going to read on my path to prosperity. "One Simple Idea" this is by Stephen Key, this is all about licensing ideas. Let me tell you I got plenty of So I will give this a try, see what happens. Keep you posted on my progress with this book!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Let me make my intentions clear!!

Ok so for this week I am going to select a book, from a popular prosperity teacher, and of course read and review it. Then I am going to start applying the principles taught in the book in my life. It will be like a one person case study. Unless you want to follow along with your comments!! Then we can make it a real case study.

My goal in all this is like I said in the prior post.....I want to double my salary by the end of the year, and have multiple streams of income. Ultimately I want to be debt free, and own a home with a nice backyard for my kids to play in!! I will be deciding what book I will be studying this week, and have it posted for you to see!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The starting line up!

Ok here we go, you can't follow me if you don't have any guidelines to follow. So here are the meat and potatoes of the starting line. I am going to give you my income. Oh, I know it is so taboo to talk about money in America, but look, I don't care anymore. I am tearing the veil away and we going to see how my financial situation improves if I follow these prosperity teachings!

So I am currently a Court Reporter for the State of Delaware at Paygrade 7. You can look it up if you want. Now this is my only source of income right now.

My goal is to see if doing all of these things that are spelled out in these books will improve my financial situation.

They say you have to set your intentions so here are mine.

"I want to have multiple streams of income"
"I want to double my salary by the end of this year"

So there you have it! Those are my goals and intentions.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ok first things first

Ok my name is Kristin, a common one I know so sometimes I throw my middle name in the mix to switch it up "Alana". Anyway I am a 28 year old single mother of twin boys. My boys by the way are three and a half. They are a strong factor behind why I started this blog. You may be wondering how do boys and prosperity mix. Well besides the fact that I am extremely blessed to be a mother to my sons, I recently read according to the USDA that is cost 250,000 to raise one child, times that by two, and you got the reason behind my fascination with abundance.

Here is the bottom line I want to provide everything I can for my sons. Now, of course they got the basics!! But I want them to be able to have everything they possibly can have available to them. I am sure unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, the media and just about everyone else says we are in a "recession". However, I am of the mind that not everybody is buying into that, no pun intended.

So here it is I want to tap into this abundance that all the prosperity teachers are talking about. You know who I mean all the people who say you have to have faith to receive. I am going to study these folks, and APPLY what they teach. Why? Well I want to see if what they say holds any weight!! I want to see if what they teach in all of the self help, business books is true!! I will be the prosperity guinea pig if you will.

So follow along with me on twitter @krissyprospers and see what happens. Let's see if what they say is true!